For an efficient Proxmox server backup setup, I plan to utilize four 500GB solid-state drives (SSDs) to ensure robust storage performance. I will configure a Windows share on my Windows 10 PC, which will host ISO files and backups. This approach allows me to offload backup storage from the Proxmox server itself, optimizing its available space. Additionally, all backups will be automatically synced to my Backblaze account, providing a reliable offsite backup solution.

Key Points:

4 x 500GB SSDs: High-performance storage for Proxmox server.
Windows 10 PC Share: Centralized location for ISO files and backups.
Efficient Storage Management: Reduces space usage on the Proxmox server.
Automatic Backblaze Backup: Ensures offsite data protection.

By following this plan, I will maintain an efficient, scalable backup system for my Proxmox server while ensuring data redundancy and protection through local and cloud-based solutions.