
The past few months have been incredibly hectic for me. Between house hunting, preparing my current home for sale, managing health issues, and working diligently, life has been a whirlwind. On top of all that, I’ve also started taking a daily commute to my church. In this post, I’ll share my experiences and what I’ve learned along the way.

Searching for a New House

The Home Buying Process

Finding a new house can be both exciting and overwhelming. I’ve been actively searching for a new home that fits my needs and budget. This process involves:

  • Researching neighborhoods
  • Attending open houses
  • Comparing property features

Preparing My Current Home for Sale

Getting my current house ready to sell has been a major task. It involves:

  • Decluttering and staging the home
  • Making necessary repairs and improvements
  • Working with a real estate agent

Dealing with Health Issues

Health Challenges and Recovery

During this busy period, I’ve faced a few health issues that have added to the complexity of my life. Managing health while juggling other responsibilities has taught me the importance of:

  • Prioritizing self-care
  • Seeking medical advice
  • Balancing rest with daily tasks

Balancing Work and Personal Life

Intense Work Schedule

My work has been demanding, with a significant amount of overtime and numerous projects. To handle the workload, I’ve focused on:

  • Time management
  • Setting priorities
  • Maintaining productivity

Embracing a New Routine: Church Commute

Adjusting to a New Schedule

I’ve recently started taking a half-hour commute each way to my church. This new routine has been an adjustment, but it’s also provided me with:

  • A sense of community
  • Spiritual fulfillment
  • A structured routine


Navigating these busy months has been challenging, but it’s also been a time of growth and learning. From house hunting to dealing with health issues and embracing a new church routine, each experience has offered valuable lessons. I’m looking forward to what the future holds and hoping for a bit more balance in the months to come.