Feb 8 2023 update

youtube video I got how to use syncthing video shot and been editing it. I have a few issues with it and trying to make it look better hope to have it out in a couple of weeks. I also have another video coming out about problems i had switch from tower case to 1u server case. websites I havn’t been good about updating this or computerhacking101.com website. I have been busy setting up my own system that will grab the code from github and and create the site with hugo and then upload the new website....

February 8, 2023 · 1 min · 97 words · Chris Allen

Navigating a Busy Season: Health Updates, Network Upgrades, and Upcoming Content

How I’ve Been Keeping Busy: From Family Health to Tech Upgrades and Content Creation Wow, what a whirlwind the past few weeks have been! With the holiday season in full swing and the added challenge of my grandma’s hospital visits, it’s been quite a hectic time. The good news is that she’s now back home and relaxing, which brings a huge relief to our family. While juggling these personal challenges, I’ve also been deeply immersed in some exciting projects....

January 11, 2023 · 2 min · 269 words · Chris Allen

Overcoming Challenges: My Recent Struggles and Accidents

After a challenging period of illness that left me struggling to regain my footing before Thanksgiving, I found myself facing a series of unfortunate events. The difficulties began to mount last week, culminating in a series of accidents that tested my resilience. DoorDash Incident: An Unexpected Accident On Friday, while working as a DoorDash delivery driver, I experienced a sudden and unexpected accident. During a routine delivery, I tripped and fell, resulting in a painful injury to my lip....

December 15, 2022 · 2 min · 222 words · Chris Allen

Thanksgiving week of 2022

Thanksgiving week kind of sucks for me. We had my birthday party at my mother-in-law’s house on Sunday. I wasn’t feeling too well then, but Monday it hit me and I stay in bed almost all day Monday through Thursday. Also, Weds was my birthday so It was a bad birthday. In other news, I still haven’t found a computer job yet and still looking. I am also working on a few youtube videos but because I have been sick, I haven’t felt like doing that much....

December 1, 2022 · 1 min · 100 words · Chris Allen

October 25 2022 update

I am currently looking for a good-paying job. I have had a few interviews in the last few days. Most of the jobs they want to offer me were not for me or had low pay. While I wait on finding a good job, I am doing some gig work like door dash, uber eats and GrubHub mostly in west Wichita. I have also been working on this website and https://computerhacking101....

October 25, 2022 · 1 min · 84 words · Chris Allen