Exploring Housing Options: Building vs. Buying, and Other Life Updates

I’m still in the process of finding a new house within my hometown. We haven’t had much luck with our offers so far, so we’re considering building a house instead. We’ve talked to a company called UBuild It, but we’re still undecided about whether to go that route or just buy a house outright. We’re weighing our options and trying to figure out what’s best for us. Work has been a bit of a mixed bag lately....

July 22, 2024 · 2 min · 367 words · Chris Allen

Navigating Life, Work, and Tech: Health Journey, Home Search, and IT Setup Insights

Life & Working I am currently motivated to embark on a weight loss journey due to some health concerns I am facing. My wife and I are exploring the possibility of moving soon, with the hope of finding the perfect home. I am currently engaged in a 40-hour IT support position in my local area. While the job can be stressful at times, I find satisfaction in the work, and I am fortunate to have a positive relationship with most of my colleagues....

January 20, 2024 · 2 min · 309 words · Chris Allen

Recent Challenges and Setbacks: Contract Work and Proxmox Server Issues

The past few weeks have been quite a rollercoaster. I recently encountered an unexpected setback when my contract work was abruptly canceled. The client, known for underestimating project costs, failed to account for the installation expenses this time as well. Unfortunately, this is a recurring issue with this client, who has a track record of initiating projects and leaving them unfinished. In addition to these contract troubles, I’ve been grappling with some technical difficulties related to my 1U Proxmox server setup....

August 4, 2022 · 1 min · 167 words · Chris Allen

July 28, 2022 update

I started to move my Proxmox server to my 1u case and ran into a couple of problems. One is easily fixed and for the other one I will have to wait for a while. I am going to have to move the stand-offs for the motherboard. I just have to get a different wrench set. I lost the one I need of course. For the other one, I will have to wait until the heat sync company sends me the correct heat sync....

July 28, 2022 · 1 min · 112 words · Chris Allen

Optimized Proxmox Server Backup Plan with Local Windows Share and Backblaze Integration

For an efficient Proxmox server backup setup, I plan to utilize four 500GB solid-state drives (SSDs) to ensure robust storage performance. I will configure a Windows share on my Windows 10 PC, which will host ISO files and backups. This approach allows me to offload backup storage from the Proxmox server itself, optimizing its available space. Additionally, all backups will be automatically synced to my Backblaze account, providing a reliable offsite backup solution....

July 16, 2022 · 1 min · 139 words · Chris Allen