Chris Allen's personal blog

blog about what is going on in the life of chris allen

aug 4 2022 update

2022-08-04 1 min read blog Chris Allen
The past couple of weeks has been crazy. My contract work got canceled because they didn’t realize how much it would cost to have it installed. They have done this before also with other projects. They start it and never finish it. I am having issues getting my 1u Proxmox server up and running. I didn’t realize you had to have a raid interface when I bought it. Some of the power cords are not long enough. Continue reading

July 2, 2022 update

2022-07-02 2 min read blog Chris Allen
I have been having a lot of backup pain lately. So I haven’t been able to do what I wanted to do with the website and create another video about syncthing for computer hacking 101 websites. I am going back to work starting on Tuesday and working my 8 to 5 job contract work. So I will not have much time to work on the website or youtube. I have to do this contract work because I need to bring in more money for my family and have money to buy things I need for my youtube channel. Continue reading

July 2, 2022 update

2022-07-02 2 min read blog
I have been having a lot of backup pain lately. So I haven’t been able to do what I wanted to do with the website and create another video about how to use syncthing for computer hacking 101 websites. I am going back to work starting on Tuesday and working my 8 to 5 job contract work. So I will not have much time to work on the website or youtube. Continue reading

switch from wordpress to hugo

2022-06-27 1 min read blog Chris Allen
I just convert this wordpress site to hugo. There is still a few more things I want to change and add to it. I also started working on converting to hugo also. I am planning on getting the video out how to use syncthing this week before I go back to my 8 to 5 job contract work starting on July 5. I almost got my office clean up and starting to put a few of my things that I want to sell on ebay. Continue reading

I have been busy for a while

2022-06-15 2 min read blog Chris Allen
I have been very busy with work and life and haven’t had much time for youtube or work on both of my websites. I have released a few videos on my youtube channel. I have been doing computer work as a contractor for the past few months. But I will have some free time for the next two weeks to get things done. I am planning on creating a how-to-use syncthing video soon. Continue reading

my 3rd video is posted to youtube

2022-02-22 1 min read youtube Chris Allen
I posted my 3rd video about syncthing on youtube. I got two more videos about syncthing that I plan on adding to my youtube channel. It is how to use syncthing and go through a lot of the options. It will show you how to just transfer one way which I use for the backup of my Proxmox server. I will show you many advanced options for syncthing. I will also show you how to install the syncthing relay service in another video. Continue reading

my 2nd video is posted to youtube

2022-02-03 1 min read youtube Chris Allen
Yesterday I posted my 2nd video about syncthing on youtube. It tells you how to install syncthing on Linux. I am planning on a few more videos about syncthing. Some of the videos include installing syncthing on windows, installing it and setting it up on android, and setting it up on windows or Linux. I might even make a more advanced syncthing tutorial telling how to set up more advanced syncthing options. Continue reading
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